Classmate Blog Critique
There are several students in the Directed Study 2 course who would serve as an excellent example of how to run a blog. As a part of my critique, I want to set forward this disclaimer that I did not choose a blog based upon whether I thought it was the best. I chose a blog that showed what a blog should look like and how one could excel through their use of proper design and great written pieces. Elizabeth Nalley's MM 3603 blog is certainly a great choice for how a blog should be run. Home Page Design Pictured above is the home page for Elizabeth's blog. First and foremost, I love the images that are associated with each post as well as the background. Each of these images shows the center focus of the subject and is cropped well into the blocks that contain them. While credit is due to google for giving many of the templates that we use to make our blogs, there is no doubt in my mind that Elizabeth went out of her way and spent countless hours tweaking each element an...